Business Ops Management
Improve operations through strategic calendars. Increase accountability through Project Management. Improve profitability through effective systems & best practices.
Manage Business Punchlists & Traffic of Business Operations
Weekly 30 min call to review with Teams’ Leadership
In Collaboration with Club Leadership; Establish Tasks, Timelines, KPIs, Assign Tasks, Accountability Tracker
Make sure all Deadlines & Action Item Timelines are met
Strategic Calendar & Action Plan
Build calendar for all teams and make sure all teams stay on track
Technology platforms to improve business operations // Teams can benefit from pre-negotiated pricing and properly vetted technology platforms
Vendor Relations & Vetting // Teams can access approved Vendors and benefit from preferred pricing & improved timing.
Improve pricing, timing for ordering product & delivery
Develop Master Purchasing Timeline for all teams (most will be very similar timeline)
Create Master Purchasing List (many teams will have same items)
Weekly Management Call
Weekly VVP/GM Call that includes select staff members
Weekly VVP/Intern Calls with special Guest Presenters as part of continuing education program
Weekly Business Reports for Ownership & Management
Create a system & reports for Weekly Business Reporting
Sponsorship Sales
Game by Game Ticket Sales
Season Seat Sales
Merchandise Sales
Game by Game PnL
"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”
— Benjamin Franklin